When one thinks of prostitution , the first thing that usually comes to mind are those women on the streets, on highways or parks in big cities. Sex workers who normally don’t have much choice but to indulge in this business to survive. Women who are out in the open for hours, looking for the money to bring bread home one more day. Human beings have the bloody, albeit logical habit of generalizing when it comes to sensitive issues. Maybe we only know about prostitution from what we have seen on the street, or what we have read. We mentally draw a prostitute type , and they all fit in the same bag. But there are many women dedicating themselves to this type of service in the world, and each one has their own personality, their circumstances and their peculiarities . That is why it is unfair, and also naive, to think that all prostitutes are the same.
In fact, the image that we raised at the beginning, that of the escort doing the street , is becoming less and less common. These professional lovers are leaving the insecurity of the streets, where they are exposed not only to cold or rain, but also to aggressions . And they are doing it thanks to the great revolution of our century: the Internet. In the same way that the network of networks can put two people who are located in different parts of the planet in contact, in a matter of seconds and with incredible quality, it is also serving to give you a tour of nut to many businesses. Prostitution is, by definition, pure contact work , where the girl and the client must be in the same place to enjoy carnal pleasure. Or so it was until now, at least. The Internet is also changing the type of prostitution that girls offer, opening up new horizons and possibilities, as it has already done with other leisure industries. In this article we are going to delve into the way in which the Internet has changed the rules of prostitution , helping girls and clients.
Although it is true that Internet as such was created several decades ago, it was not until the end of the 90s that the Internet reached general consumption. During the first decade of the new century, the Internet has already spread to practically the entire world , including mobile devices, to bring about the greatest revolution in centuries. The paradigm shift, of having all the entertainment and knowledge at our fingertips, seemed to mark a turning point. And it certainly has, although perhaps not in the way we expected. Businesses have also changed the way they reach customers , even creating new industries such as influencers or online stores. New possibilities, greater freedom, and opportunities that prostitutes have also wanted to take advantage of.
Sex workers are also catching up to new technologies. In every corner of the planet we find prostitutes, because this business is totally widespread, even in places where it is prohibited. There are countries where being a prostitute is a real risk , which can lead to fines, jail time or even worse sentences. Despite this, girls have always found the means to reach customers. And now, with the Internet, everything is much easier and safer. They can promote themselves on bulletin boards, on adult platforms, and connect with customers without ever leaving home. This allows them to continue working, even if they have to go to any home later, without having to be on the street all day.
And this is an obvious danger for her, and not only because of the possible fines and penalties. Women who walk the streets are clearly exposed to more attacks from clients , or from people who simply cross their path. The stigmatization of prostitutes makes many see them as evil incarnate, and even attack them. The cold, the heat, the rain, the tiredness and the danger of being on the street … All of this already seems a thing of the past, although many continue to go out to look for clients from time to time. At home, with a laptop or mobile, they can now contact men, and do it a safer way . And all thanks to the Internet.
But we are not only talking about a greater capacity for connection , but also about new ways to enjoy pleasure. You had to be very naive to think, at the time the Internet was created, that the Internet was not going to become a hotbed for sex . Already at the dawn of the network of networks, in the chats and in the primordial forums, there were many users who entered just to have spicy conversations with other people. This was called cybersex , and it could range from a simple conversation over the Internet to a video call , even in more modern times. Two people, located in different places in a country, or on the planet itself, enjoying a hot situation and turning each other on via the Internet .
The pleasure professionals also understood that there was a great market niche here, beyond sex in person. If men also paid to enjoy them from a distance, as in erotic lines, why not take advantage of it? Throughout the first decade of the century webcam sites appeared, where girls offered erotic shows for their followers. This has evolved over time to Onlyfans , a platform where any amateur girl can become a muse of desire for men from home. With photos, videos and spicy messages , these girls get to earn thousands of euros a month uploading erotic content, more or less explicit. Is this considered prostitution? For many yes. For others it is nothing more than porn, although it is true that some of these girls take their work very far , sleeping with some fans.
Whether they are normal girls or prostitutes who have decided to focus their work on the Internet, the truth is that the situation is changing. It is always good to have such an alternative, in any business , and especially in one with as many restrictions as professional sex has always suffered. The girls can now go out to look for clients , as they always did, or improve their brand image on the Internet, attracting them from there. With the safety and efficiency of doing everything without leaving home, seeking new horizons and new forms of pleasure. Clients are closer to them at all times, and contact, even if it is not physical , it facilitates. All are advantages with this new revolution of prostitution 2.0, although it still remains for all the girls to be involved. Will it be the end of prostitution as we know it?